Propeller Overhaul & Maintenance

If you overhear two pilots in a conversation with the words “overhaul” or “TBO,” chances are it’s about engines. If you discover you’ve stumbled upon a discussion about constant-speed propeller overhauls, consider yourself lucky. If, upon further eavesdropping, you realize that you’ve caught two pilots talking about an overhaul of a fixed-pitch propeller, it’s time to buy a lottery ticket.
Many owners of fixed-pitch propellers are unaware that a TBO even exists for their props. But it does, and for good reason. McCauley recommends that their fixed-pitch propellers be overhauled every seven years or 2,000 hours, while Sensenich only uses 2,000 operating hours as the TBO for their propellers. These overhauls are important, both for safety and performance. Stresses build up in the outer surfaces of the blades that can be relieved by resurfacing the blade and treating for corrosion. However, another important benefit of the overhaul is the inspection and correction of blade tracking and pitch.

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